
BuktaReprise (Opean 8+2)

BuktaReprise (Opean8+2)

Bukta Paktop Reprise illuminé
le 19 octobere 2019 a 20:00 (portes 19:00)
avec soupe te chaleur...

The complete crew of the Buktapaktop will be performing a piect that was presented by a delegation (two members missing) at the OPEAN # 8 performance series at Eintstien Kultur in Munich during a multi-perf tour of said city. This version will be an augmented and well-lit version, with enough variation and improvisation as to make it a new production perhaps… one of the possible discussions based on the underlying actor-netwokt-theory which was the point of departure for the project in Munich… consider it a hands-on investigation…

 (prepping the ritual)

Well Lit/version

It was meant to be an illuminating experience, what with the last version being obscurantist, rather doldrum like... With a reason, to wit, but not entirely to the liking of all those involved, which was also but a delegation and not the entire crew of Bukta Paktop... This time all were present and perhaps it is because of that fact there were minimal interventions and exchanges... The full light version too, may have contributed to the more detailed but less dramatic offerings... Leaving more space to ponder the significance?
Rather than improving upon a rather simple exchange, this illuminated version spread the conversation so broadly as to lose to a certain degree, the plot as it were ( compote vs complot ) and it all became very quiet... 

One has to imagine a secret society gathering in which everyone suspects a subversive element... And therefore makes no comment or move that can be construed to be anything or adhere to any attitude or position, practicing imponderabilia - if this is enough to warrant the kind of persecution the Bavarian Illuminati experiences in the early days remains a mute point... Here it seemed barely enough to retain momentum for the exchane needed to keep the ANT basis for the operation afloat... The performance needs to go on, so to speak... In this case the point of stalling came very close...

It has to be admitted this was but one of the multi-facetted project done in Munich, and there was no reference whatsoever to the crux of the biscuit, being the soul bread man that lives in all of us since the partaking in that memorable finno-belgian ritual at the Färberei... Documentation of which has not even yet been collated, analysis of which still has to be undertaken and to which the stone stories ( and Laetitia stone archive ) still have to be addressed...
So, hopfully there will be more posted soon....

Soirée repassée

 Pour arrondir les connexions entre nous une repas partatgé - tout frais! lost souper/ supper soiré repassage pour nous c’était une trè...