
Initial intro
are the stones borrowed from Laetitia Yalon (see earlier blogpage)
but now two projects converge: "seed bank of love & stories" from Ireland and the stone questionnaire have become a participatory interface, so to speak, with the stones accompanying the stories...

(see also the site where our intervention will take place: Das KloHäuschen
more specifically
for more and more info as we go along...)

Anja Uhlig from the KloHäuschen even made a glossy folder-brochure for the project:

(from reference in 'messianic' section...
* ( see Lise Duclaux's contribution to the "Steinbefragung"  in which she elaborates on the different theories concerning the creation of the moon, as part of earth or a combination of an impact from another celestial body, combining in earthy and other substance, as found on the moon - brought back as it were, some 50 years ago this month, by Apollo 11... - and constrasted with the feldspar venerated at least since Roman times, and used as jewellery trinket as well as cult bit, depending...)

Vending machine with all sorts of stones... Encountered on the way to Munich in an Autobahn gas station...

the Antwerp section has made its selection:
LL's stone is this mysterious little creature:

while I had a more chance encounter:


Ich dachte erst: Das ist Sergei, der Eisenstein....
Because I used to have a big lump of ironrock, which, yes, I called Sergei...
But this isn't the one... Looking at this box of stones and shells, I first thought perhaps a vacation collection from Bretagne... It seemed vaguely familiar but at the same time I could not attatch a scene or moment to any of it... Then I considered the box, whch had been taped in a way I probably wouldn't have... And though I knew I had seen it before, and it was me that put it on the shelf in my own home, I just couldn't place it... Until I put on my glasses and saw that the cigar box was in fact a special Flor Fina " expressamente para personas de buen gusto" with a cigarband depicting the castle at Beersel... " Gemeente Beersel" it said... Part of a consignment of promotional gifts no doubt, from a bygone age... Before the Cuban revolution no doubt, an era when politicians would recline in large and deep clubchairs and light up with a glass of whiskey at hand...
So, It had come from the writer's residence museum where I had worked... Probably not from the writer himself, but my predecessor or one of the artists who showed there in the course of it's 32 yeqr history... Alas now closed. Probably my predecessor, he was awidely travelled man and could easily have brought these with him from some eotic shore or nearby vacation destination... Who knows?

The other stones were a sandstone, a quartzite conglomerate and a salmon-coloured quartzite fragment... Sand embedded... But rather desert-like rather than coastal... Not sure... As for the shells, they also seemed to have been out of the water for some time... If they come from the same place it would have to be a receding coastline somewhere...

I considered the larger lump of quartzite and it seemed to me that it would not mind if I sent it on an adventure in the seedbank of love and stories... It had been with it's adoptive family in this old cirgarbox form any years, and if I remember correctly, it came out of the dark and dank basement back in Beersel... So probably it would appreciate some travel and meeting up with other lost stones and their stories... Who knows, with some luck it might regain its own territory somehow, or find a new home preferable to this old dusty box...

This might also be a good moment to consider distributing the other stones and shells to new habitats... Recently I donated a similarly mysterious fragment to the " Whose Museum" which passed by Rotterdam last year... In fact when I consider all the stones I have collected over the years it's a bit daunting... And maybe hight time to release them from their isolation... In fact I see them as being sequestered, kidnapped even...
( still they are not enslaved as were the ' pet rocks' back in the seventies... I remember one that was gaudily painted with a smily face and had to work as a doorstop for years on end...)

anyway, here they are, side by side,
traveling together until their ways part at the KloHäuschen in Munich...
with a story that might find new shores somewhere, sometime...

left Laetitia-stone, a perfect skip-stone looking a bit like a squashed planet (jupiter, by jove!) because it has a brown inclusion on one side, that mysterious red spot... the other from the cigar box probably lived in a desert somewhere...

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