


(what a) Daisyfeast

It was a happy coincidence that launched our somewhat belated season- Bukta-member Jérôme just flew in from Canada for the screening of Leo Liotards film 'C'est la fête' – his jet-lag somewhat reproducing the inebriated experiments of youth displayed on the screen: a warm and sympathetic look-back to the innocence of younger years, when the reasons were not yet so defined, the positions not so vehemently held, the ludicrous as guiding light – bateau ivre, let's say, romantic and down to earth, up close, personal and somewhere in the distant past.


It reminded me of the Beat-strip “Pull my Daisy” (with Kerouac, also partially Canadian) by Robert Frank, whom I had the privilege to meet as a student of his partner June Leaf back in Nova Scotia – He sometimes came down from their hideaway in Cape Breton Island to give a presentation at our school.. so this coincidence set me back thinking of my own youthful antics and how, if at all, to do something with the material of those heady days...

In a way I was quite jealous to see this strip of film – prize-winning I might add, and deservedly so! I had been somewhat smitten by film-making back in the day and was able to do a few experimental shorts thanks to the Atlantic Filmmakers Co-op, but after failing to secure further studies in that direction, got blown off course and into other realms – dabbling in video to be sure, but no longer with the verve I once had... the verve that I was reminded of here.

The unabashed simplicity and candid disregard of this work for conventions – originally, the recent cutting all the more professional - still refreshing after all these years (for me more than that, but still recognizable, being not yet so old in the nineties as to being unable to relate – the youthful protagonists still enjoying wine & spirits and lots of smoke rather than the synthetic chemical substances that pass as entertainment nowadays – and as I've already said, more related to the beat forefathers than the hyped up hedonism of today... well, a little bit though – '...up you go, little smoke!' wonderful film!

(and an inspiration to re-visit the archives and finally do something with the material that has been waiting patiently for all theses years!)


Soirée repassée

 Pour arrondir les connexions entre nous une repas partatgé - tout frais! lost souper/ supper soiré repassage pour nous c’était une trè...