
Soirée repassée

 Pour arrondir les connexions entre nous une repas partatgé - tout frais!

lost souper/ supper

soiré repassage

pour nous c’était une très courte visite, une petite acte de participation (couper quelques légumes) au grand repas du soir... une soirée surtout de la groupe Amour et Sagesse qui parle des et avec les gens qui sont dans une interzone de le passage du temps – c’est quoi vieux, ancienne, vintage ? Bon question et cet méthode banqueteuse était une belle introduction – même si nous étions pas pour le repas même – repas passé, intention repassé – prochaine fois mieux.



Evening ironing: for us it was a very short visit, a small act of participation (cutting some vegetables) in the big evening meal... an evening especially formulated by the group Love and Wisdom which speaks of and with people who are in an interzone of the passage of time - what is old, ancient, vintage? Good question and this banquet method was a nice introduction - even if we were not there for the meal itself - meal passed, intention ironed – better next time .


Dec 6 questionable conjecture


The first of a series of archival query's at the new (refurbished) venue Chien Brun...

(to wit - on this day also the buktapaktop website - already defunct - was abandoned officially)



the small gathering was an informal affair – the presentation rather curioius because it entailed some questions as well as documentary elements – the images were of a St. N exhibition at 'inexistent' but unclear when – which still remains the question. (no-one could help out) the presentation of the itinerary of the 'iris' chair was minimal, and a bit after the fact, but the subtext question whether conjecture is admissible as a valid research method in the archival did set off a lively discussion based partially on the notion of auto-plagiarism and specifically relating to Jacques Lizen's self-remake series as well as various (autosubversive) aspects of the cultural scene in Liège during the late 80's and well into the 90's... ah, memories...



By way of hands-on intervention we investigated two rolls from the archive mound: one of which as it turns out was dated: 50/50 11/3/1990 – so that was then clear (it was a paper strip of ca. 5 m which we then crumpled into an archive-ball of sorts) (call it re-packaging) – the other was more enigmatic and had no date... but it was sectioned in three with masking tape, which no longer fulfilled it's function... one theory is that it was a cut-off from the installation by Jef L. 'Baghdad 8' – which makes sense because the other paper used for this occasion was a hand-painted paper panel belonging I think to just that exhibition, which read ' firstI sealed, then I invented writing' – not sure if this was referring to Nebuchadnezzar or another Babylonian potentate, but remembering another version used in stamps 'I seal 2 write' or 'I seal II write' – no longer sure which.


so much for the Santa complex -

below a videostill from the session on plagiarims during the exhibition of Donovan, Morgan & Rose at F44 which served as a sort subtitle/text for this get-together...

Jef L and Wout V...

Soirée repassée

 Pour arrondir les connexions entre nous une repas partatgé - tout frais! lost souper/ supper soiré repassage pour nous c’était une trè...