
Dec 6 questionable conjecture


The first of a series of archival query's at the new (refurbished) venue Chien Brun...

(to wit - on this day also the buktapaktop website - already defunct - was abandoned officially)



the small gathering was an informal affair – the presentation rather curioius because it entailed some questions as well as documentary elements – the images were of a St. N exhibition at 'inexistent' but unclear when – which still remains the question. (no-one could help out) the presentation of the itinerary of the 'iris' chair was minimal, and a bit after the fact, but the subtext question whether conjecture is admissible as a valid research method in the archival did set off a lively discussion based partially on the notion of auto-plagiarism and specifically relating to Jacques Lizen's self-remake series as well as various (autosubversive) aspects of the cultural scene in Liège during the late 80's and well into the 90's... ah, memories...



By way of hands-on intervention we investigated two rolls from the archive mound: one of which as it turns out was dated: 50/50 11/3/1990 – so that was then clear (it was a paper strip of ca. 5 m which we then crumpled into an archive-ball of sorts) (call it re-packaging) – the other was more enigmatic and had no date... but it was sectioned in three with masking tape, which no longer fulfilled it's function... one theory is that it was a cut-off from the installation by Jef L. 'Baghdad 8' – which makes sense because the other paper used for this occasion was a hand-painted paper panel belonging I think to just that exhibition, which read ' firstI sealed, then I invented writing' – not sure if this was referring to Nebuchadnezzar or another Babylonian potentate, but remembering another version used in stamps 'I seal 2 write' or 'I seal II write' – no longer sure which.


so much for the Santa complex -

below a videostill from the session on plagiarims during the exhibition of Donovan, Morgan & Rose at F44 which served as a sort subtitle/text for this get-together...

Jef L and Wout V...

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