
the soul

Saturday saw the culmination of our combined efforts in our main base of operations,
Die Färberei, where we could practically do whatever we wanted; subdividing into gallery downstaris with projection...

there was a proposal by IPUT direct St. Turbo
to play Brecht's 'EXIT' at the beginning...
which in the end did not happen (due to the hole I think) 
but here it is if you like 

 and the nervecenter in the former archive space on the first floor, a sort of playroom of ideas and contributions, documentation and such, and then the main office/bakery on the top floor, where brains would steam and sweat would rund from Finish and Belgian brows...

But the main event was the combination of the two strains between Bukta Paktop and the MRCVE,
the so-called 'colloquia' in which the exchange of interpretations would occur and the differences and/or similarities become apparent:

the construction of a non-human humanoid, using 11 sorts of baking recopies, of which most very traditional and part of our human heritage, with, to top it off:  the soul - made from living dough some three hundred years old...
MRCVE spent three days baking the man, and it was up to BUKTA PAKTOP to imbue it with life!

here Bukta-members consider their options...

rituals with stones were of no avail, and even after injections with extra strong caffein solution, mo sign of life was to be registered, at which pint we mound forces (both the two groups as well as the public) to commence an autopsie....

most visual material on video,
more soon!

1 comment:

  1. It was gobsmacked blog! Don’t you know it? This work is kinda unique with others, my friends must see this. I will tell it when we have time for carpet cleaning services.


Soirée repassée

 Pour arrondir les connexions entre nous une repas partatgé - tout frais! lost souper/ supper soiré repassage pour nous c’était une trè...